News and Events

What are we working on at  the moment?

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With the growing trends in ageing population and life expectancy and the flaws and gaps of the long-term care (LTC) system in Europe, the ICWE project focuses on Informal Carers’ (ICs) well-being and support for information and practical skills to facilitate their role as caretakers.

Aims and Objectives

The project aims to improve the conditions of ICs in their role as caretakers by addressing their needs for information and training, professional support, effective communication with care professionals, and improved well-being.

Specific Objectives

• Empowering informal carers and adult educators/care workers to better address ICs needs for support and well-being in their lives
• Capacitating ICs in their role of caretakers and addressing well-being as a main factor to be considered
• Capacitating care workers for their work with ICs
• Developing practical tools and resources to facilitate the achievement of the previous goals

The latest news letter and information about the project can be found here About – Informal Carers Well-Being Enhanced (ICWE) (


The WELL@SME – MENTAL WELLBEING IN SMEs ( project responds to the specific needs of employees and managers/owners of SMEs by designing and making available tailor-made resources, tools and strategies to prevent and contrast work-related stress and negative mental health impact of working conditions. The project aims to create and develop a flexible learning offers aiming to promote positive mental health in the workplace adapted to the specific learning needs of owners and employees of SMEs. The project integrates an array of different digital learning tools, thus supporting the strengthening / acquisition of digital skills among learners.

The project finished at the end of September 2024 and the latest news letter, resources, eLearning and podcasts can all be found on the project website at WELL@SME Training platform (